At the 53rd IFFI's inaugural ceremony, megastar chiranjeevi was crowned the indian Film Personality of the Year. Many people in the industry sent their congratulations to chiranjeevi, with his brother power star pawan kalyan coming in first. A mega-meet took place today at the Waltair Veerayya filming location. On the set of Chiranjeevi's upcoming movie, pawan kalyan met the latter along with producer AM Ratnam and director Krish.
According to director Bobby, pawan kalyan saw Boss Song and absolutely adored it. The release of Boss Song is storming the Internet. Waltair Veerayya's creators produced a song promo, which received a fantastic response and made fans eagerly anticipate hearing the entire song. In the special dance composed by Devi Sri Prasad, chiranjeevi will be dancing opposite urvashi Rautela. On the other hand, pawan kalyan is acting in Krish's production of hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Fans of tollywood movies are ecstatic whenever chiranjeevi and pawan kalyan appear together. One such encounter took place when Pawan visited the Waltair Verrayya set of his brother Chiranjeevi's movie to hear the upcoming song from the movie, "Boss Party." The film's production company, Mythri movie Makers, posted images from the scene on social media. chiranjeevi appears in the pictures dressed to the nines in party attire. On the other side, Pawan is pictured listening to the song while dressed casually in indian clothing.
According to director Bobby, pawan kalyan saw Boss Song and absolutely adored it. The release of Boss Song is storming the Internet. Waltair Veerayya's creators produced a song promo, which received a fantastic response and made fans eagerly anticipate hearing the entire song. In the special dance composed by Devi Sri Prasad, chiranjeevi will be dancing opposite urvashi Rautela. On the other hand, pawan kalyan is acting in Krish's production of hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Fans of tollywood movies are ecstatic whenever chiranjeevi and pawan kalyan appear together. One such encounter took place when Pawan visited the Waltair Verrayya set of his brother Chiranjeevi's movie to hear the upcoming song from the movie, "Boss Party." The film's production company, Mythri movie Makers, posted images from the scene on social media. chiranjeevi appears in the pictures dressed to the nines in party attire. On the other side, Pawan is pictured listening to the song while dressed casually in indian clothing.