Actress rashmika and actor vijay deverakonda were recently seen taking a trip to the Maldives. Their wedding date has since been widely known on social media. They were shown exchanging garlands in a fan-created instagram photo. It was fiercely circulated by ecstatic followers, and it immediately gained popularity.

Fans quickly realized, though, that the image was a fake. rashmika and vijay deverakonda have not yet responded to the fresh rumors. In movies like "Geetha Govindam" and "Dear Comrade," they have shared acting roles. Samantha's return to the workplace is currently being awaited by vijay deverakonda in order to continue filming on shiva Nirvana's "Kushi." rashmika, on the other hand, is working on a number of different projects.

Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda's fan-edited photo, in which they are depicted as bride and groom, has gone viral on social media amid dating rumors. Vijay is cradling rashmika in this fan-edited picture as she blushes. rashmika looks stunning in a pale golden lehenga, while Vijay looks dapper in an all-white sherwani. Immediately after seeing this photo, one admirer commented, "Editing bhi ek din real me conversion hoga," and another user added, "Nice jodi." s s

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