The actress is featured in the photos sporting a seductive black tube dress with cutout accents. She was spotted posing on a bed, which is certain to raise the temperature. In the photos, the former bigg boss contestant appeared diva-like. She kept her hair open and added minimal makeup to her elegant ensemble as an accessory. The actress captioned the photo she posted on her official instagram account, "The bed's so cold and you are not here."
Ashu works as an actress, tv personality, and well-known social media influencer. She launched her profession by becoming well-known by sharing lip-syncing videos on websites like Dubsmash, Josh, and Instagram. She made her acting debut in 2018's Chal Mohan Ranga, a telugu film. She gained notoriety in 2021 when she appeared with samantha Ruth Prabhu as a background dancer in the song Oo Antava from the motion picture Pushpa: The Rise.