The maximum amount of time that may be spent in this restaurant is three hours, and it goes without saying that only the world's wealthiest people can afford to pay such a high food bill. If your budget allows, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to be missed. The Best Innovative Food and Hospitality award for the year went to this restaurant. Only this restaurant is able to serve the creative signature dishes of internationally renowned chef Paco Roncero.
Ibiza has been transformed into a boho-chic destination, and yoga retreats can be found all over the island. There is a second Ibiza, a traditional neighbourhood unaffected by visitor expectations. In a town where housing expenses are the highest in Spain, its residents fret about making ends meet. When tourists hibernate during the off-season, the residents continue to live there. They start to worry where the island is heading every year when visitation slows down.