Bollywood singer neha bhasin, a bigg boss OTT celebrity, has recently gained attention for her brave and beautiful demeanour. After her birthday celebration, the singer posted a sensual bikini video of herself. For her video, Neha received a lot of trolling. On instagram, neha bhasin shared a video of herself performing a seductive stroll to Rihanna's music. By wearing a white-teal striped bikini, she appeared to have angered several online commenters.

"Bas yahi reh gaya h karne ko......kaam tou koi hai nahi karne ke liye," one individual wrote in an attempt to mock her. A other person replied, "Seriously, we know you have this thing about women wearing what they want but just remember to be dignified," Another added, "ISSe." Big boss se nikal ke Alag hi chal raha hau, how are you?

Neha Bhasin recently faced backlash for attending her birthday party dressed provocatively. She wore a bralette and a skirt with a thigh-high slit that were both silver and matched.

Rashami Desai, Umar Riaz, Rajiv Adatia, Zeeshan Khan, Nishant Bhatt, and himesh reshammiya were among the attendees for her birthday celebration. Neha, who received a Filmfare Award for Best Playback singer for Sultan's song Jag Ghoomeya, recently posted on her instagram Stories the following: "The presence of Predators on television is a depressing reminder of the pervasive patriarchy in indian society. In India, women are the only ones who receive labels, while males get a free pass. Male predators are given priority."

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