pooja hegde is currently the top female actor in both bollywood and South India. pooja hegde made her acting debut in the telugu film oka laila kosam and the tamil film Mugamoodi by Myskin. She even starred in the box office failure bollywood film Mohenjo Daro with hrithik roshan years back. She was a professional flop at first, but dj movie allu arjun gave her a hit and altered her destiny.

Pooja Hegde is a major actress in indian cinema, having appeared in PAN-India films in telugu, tamil, and Hindi. pooja Hegde's net worth is close to 50 Crores because to significant profits from movies and sponsorships. She has good taste and enjoys collecting high-end vehicles and handbags, both of which she frequently sports. pooja hegde received numerous telugu and tamil film offers after the dj movie. With successful telugu films like Aravindha Sametha, Maharshi, Gaddala Konda Ganesh, and Ala Vaikuntapuramulo, pooja hegde became well-known. In contrast, pooja hegde has also appeared in future films with Thalapathy Vijay, Ranver Singh, and salman khan in bollywood pairings.

1. Seaside facing apartment in Bandra, mumbai Worth Rs 6-8 Crores

2. Expensive house In hyderabad Worth Rs 5 Crores

3. pooja hegde owns porsche Cayenne Worth Rs 2 Crores

4. pooja hegde owns Jaguar Worth Rs 1.08 Crore

5. pooja hegde owns audi Q7 Worth Rs 85 Lakhs

6. pooja hegde owns a bmw 350d car worth Rs 80 Lakhs

7. Louis Vuitton White Handbag Worth Rs 1.91 Lakhs

8. Louis Vuitton Croisette handbag worth Rs 1.4 Lakh

9. Christian Dior Handbag Worth Rs 1.3 Lakhs

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