Faria shared photos from her session on Instagram. Prashanti Ramesh's styling of Faria's hot black dress allowed her to make quite the instagram stir. She shared these images in black and white, taken by Shareef Nandyala, along with the comment "Nature and its way with sacred geometry." Santhosh Shobhan and Faria were paired together for the movie "Like Share and Subscribe" this year. The movie "Ravanasura," starring ravi Teja, is her upcoming endeavour.
As a result of her roles in films like Most Eligible Bachelor, Valli Mayil, and Jathi Ratnalu, Faria Abdullah has emerged as one of the telugu cinema industry's most sought-after actresses. With her fashionable attire selections, she has gained favour with the fashion police. She also has our hearts with her contagious smile and distinctive wavy black hair. Faria Abdullah is not afraid to share sneak peeks from her picture shoots.