Namrata recently disclosed in an interview that she was an unintentional child and that they now believe their lives would be significantly diminished without her. Following the debut of her YouTube channel "Aadya & Sitara," which has approximately 280K followers, he also gained a sizable fan base. She also appeared in the song "Penny Penny" from "Sarkaaru Vaari Paata" in a special dancing cameo, and she signed a contract with "Zee Telugu" to promote a few concerts alongside mahesh babu, the "Superstar."
It's Sitara Ghattamaneni. This name doesn't require a lot of introduction. She is the lovely daughter of Superstar. She has other tags as well. She has developed a solid online reputation. Sitara is constantly humming with social media activity. That is how Sitara attracted a large following. Sitara has demonstrated dance talent since she was a little child, as well as other skills. sithara has increased her reputation by dancing in the mahesh babu film "Sarkaru Vari Pata" during a unique song named "Penny Penny."