deepika Padukone, a superstar actress, has recently made headlines for her orange bikini, which sparked a hornet's nest in India. The actress rose to stardom after shahrukh khan personally scissored a few shots in the songs for "Pathaan" because her attractive looks attracted more views on YouTube than they would have on the big screen.
With this new poster for "Pathaan," released by yash Raj Films, deepika Padukone's glitz once again spoke volumes. Slipping into a halter-necked evening gown with a thigh-high split in dark teal, deepika showed off her back with ease while striking a cool action posture while gripping weapons in each hand. She undoubtedly resembled the hollywood diva we see in the posters of james bond and other action movies thanks to her sharp looks and sparkling gloss.
When Pathaan opens in theatres on january 26th, SRK will likely be the film's main draw, but deepika will also be able to draw young people to the galleries thanks to her incredible charms, which are already making waves. The 36-year-old stunner is still the sought-after siren for those who want to get soaked in the seductive sex appeal she spreads, so it goes without saying.
With this new poster for "Pathaan," released by yash Raj Films, deepika Padukone's glitz once again spoke volumes. Slipping into a halter-necked evening gown with a thigh-high split in dark teal, deepika showed off her back with ease while striking a cool action posture while gripping weapons in each hand. She undoubtedly resembled the hollywood diva we see in the posters of james bond and other action movies thanks to her sharp looks and sparkling gloss.
When Pathaan opens in theatres on january 26th, SRK will likely be the film's main draw, but deepika will also be able to draw young people to the galleries thanks to her incredible charms, which are already making waves. The 36-year-old stunner is still the sought-after siren for those who want to get soaked in the seductive sex appeal she spreads, so it goes without saying.