Sitara Ghattamaneni, the daughter of Mahesh Babu, is one of our Tollywood's young stars. The Star Kid already has one million instagram followers, making him a star. She always looks stunning in unique clothing, whether it's for a celebratory event or a vacation outfit. The young girl posted her holiday photos today while wearing a purple top and a white floral lehenga. Her grin steals our hearts above the clothing. Without a question, she is Tollywood's newest Buttabomma.

On Friday, namrata shirodkar, a former actor and the wife of Mahesh Babu, posted photos from her trip in london to her instagram account. In the post, namrata provided a glimpse into her "Michelin dinners" and "pub lunches" with family and friends.

She shared the images and wrote, "Pub lunches... Michelin-rated meals Pub visits... One huge bundle of joy wrapped in some wonderful memories! red heart emoticons were posted in the post's comments area by fans. How wonderful!" one of the admirers commented. Everyone looks fantastic, and the start of the new year appears to be so much fun. once more, Happy New Year. gautam and Sitara Ghattamaneni, the children of namrata and Mahesh, were seen in one of the pictures.

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