Rakul Preet Singh recently released lovely images of herself wearing a blue midi dress from the shelves of sameer Madan's self-named line. rakul appeared on Shehnaaz Gill's chat show Desi Vibes With Shehnaaz Gill wearing the outfit to promote her forthcoming movie Chhatriwali. netizens praised her for taking such wonderful pictures, and jackky bhagnani gave the post his heart. Someone else said, "Stunning look." Some others showered their affection by dropping emoticons like hearts and flames.
Regarding the style, rakul Preet's dress has a faux leather ruched cup and a fitted bodycon jersey bottom. It has a cut-out detail on the front, full-length exaggerated sleeves, a deep sweetheart neckline secured by a centre ring, mid-calf length, corseted waist structure, and a rear slit.