"Pathaan" is becoming incredibly well-liked and breaking box office records. After a four-year absence, Shah Rukh Khan makes his big-screen comeback in this film, which has been anxiously anticipated by his fans. After witnessing "Pathaan," SRK fans recently went absolutely crazy, with some even lighting off fireworks inside the theatre to express their over happiness and enthusiasm.

At the past, "Pathaan" supporters have whistling, hooted, and danced in movies to express their enthusiasm. Recent allegations of moviegoers lighting off fireworks inside theatres, on the other hand, have raised alarm and drawn criticism from the public, who have dubbed the action "pathetic" and "absurd." Some people even described it as alarming because it casts doubt on other people's safety.

In the past, reports of people setting off fireworks inside movie theatres during the re-release of telugu films have been made, even in the telugu states. people ought to cease acting in this way, and theatre owners need to restrict admission for such overbearing supporters. The siddharth Anand-directed movie has garnered a tonne of support from viewers, who are not only cheering for Shah Rukh Khan's comeback but also for the film's success.

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