On social media, samantha Ruth Prabhu is very active. The stunning actress never falls short in providing thrilling updates from her daily life to the online community. The Yashoda actress most recently posted a sun-kissed selfie with her eyes closed and the caption, "Find the light," on her instagram account. As soon as the post went up, followers poured loving emojis into the comment section.
Samantha is slowly resuming her online presence after taking a social media detox. The diva gave us a sneak glimpse into the previous month by posting a january photo dump on the microblogging website before today. The article featured images from the Citadel shoot, footage from Yashoda's launch party, excerpts from her exercise journal, and a moving tribute to her friend rahul Ravindran.
Samantha, meantime, is prepared to enter bollywood with raj and DK's Citadel after conquering the South. The show will feature the stunning actress alongside varun Dhawan. The oh baby actress wrote on instagram to confirm her most recent endeavour, "the mission is on...we have started rolling for the indian chapter of Citadel." For those who are unaware, the programme is an indian adaptation of the Russo Brothers' international television series of the same name.
Samantha is slowly resuming her online presence after taking a social media detox. The diva gave us a sneak glimpse into the previous month by posting a january photo dump on the microblogging website before today. The article featured images from the Citadel shoot, footage from Yashoda's launch party, excerpts from her exercise journal, and a moving tribute to her friend rahul Ravindran.
Samantha, meantime, is prepared to enter bollywood with raj and DK's Citadel after conquering the South. The show will feature the stunning actress alongside varun Dhawan. The oh baby actress wrote on instagram to confirm her most recent endeavour, "the mission is on...we have started rolling for the indian chapter of Citadel." For those who are unaware, the programme is an indian adaptation of the Russo Brothers' international television series of the same name.