The much-awaited movie Kabzaa, starring Shriya Saran, Kichcha sudeep, and Upendra, is getting ready to hit theaters in a short while. The team is currently dealing with the media in mumbai after receiving an overwhelming response from viewers of the teaser. Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan, according to the actor who plays Vikrant Rona, altered the dynamics of the cinema business totally into a new league.
In Shah Rukh Khan's film Pathaan, Kichcha sudeep stated: "One Pathaan has transformed the dynamics and confidence of people." He continued by saying that the kannada industry is also going through a wonderful time. We are currently experiencing good times for the kannada film industry as well. s s
I am extremely blessed to have acted with deepika back in the day, upendra stated as he recalled his early collaboration with deepika padukone on a kannada film. For the uninitiated, upendra and deepika padukone collaborated on the love story aishwarya in 2006. This kannada film marked her debut in the film industry as an actress. The movie was inspired by ghajini and is an official remake of Manmadhudu. Back then, aishwarya broke numerous box office records and became a great success.
In Shah Rukh Khan's film Pathaan, Kichcha sudeep stated: "One Pathaan has transformed the dynamics and confidence of people." He continued by saying that the kannada industry is also going through a wonderful time. We are currently experiencing good times for the kannada film industry as well. s s
I am extremely blessed to have acted with deepika back in the day, upendra stated as he recalled his early collaboration with deepika padukone on a kannada film. For the uninitiated, upendra and deepika padukone collaborated on the love story aishwarya in 2006. This kannada film marked her debut in the film industry as an actress. The movie was inspired by ghajini and is an official remake of Manmadhudu. Back then, aishwarya broke numerous box office records and became a great success.