After self-producing "Arjun reddy," director sandeep Vanga sold the entire movie to a major telugu distributor and only got a few crores in profit, despite the movie's enormous box office success. However, he later held onto the story rights, which prompted him to collaborate with T-Series on the adaptation of the film. Since then, instead of seeking payment for his or her services, the director just wants a portion of the project's earnings. Via his Bhadrakali Films, the director is a co-producer in all of his upcoming movies, including Animal with Ranbir Kapoor, Spirit with Prabhas, and Allu Arjun's project.
Some young directors who have lately achieved success and some well-known directors are reportedly requesting their producers to give them a piece of the film and make them co-producers. While recent heroes like mahesh babu and allu arjun have accepted such a share, directors requesting it is a new phenomenon. Will tollywood use that T-Series and Sandeep reddy equation for our very own directors? We must determine.