In the tarun Tahiliani-designed garment, telugu girl sobhita dhulipala also came down the ramp and looked stunning. Before the ramp walk, Sobhita posted photos of herself from the photo shoot. Sobhita donned a contemporary corset-style concept saree with Swarovski accents around the waist. "Draping is a delicate, cocooning, flowing and primeval art—beautiful in its attentive cinching and molding essence," she said as the caption for the collection.
What on this subcontinent began with a man covering himself in simple drapes has changed into innumerable forms throughout the years and made room for a variety of wonderfully woven textiles. The indian discussion about clothing and cultural identity has evolved into a fine art throughout the centuries. Without relying on surface adornment, we are streamlining it for the modern setting. The drape suspended in time is the inspiration for our spring/summer collection.