Nita Ambani wore Sabyasachi's 6 years old sequin saree in 'NMACC', looked beautiful in new style
Businesswoman Nita Ambani wore her 6-year-old 'Sabyasachi' saree at an event at her cultural center 'NMACC'. Let us tell you about this.
Nita Ambani is a big name in the business world, who recently inaugurated her dream project 'Nita mukesh ambani Cultural Centre', which was attended by big stars from bollywood to Hollywood. During this everyone was in their best look. However, in this three-day event, Nita Ambani caught the attention of people with each of her attires. However, she repeated one of her gold and black sarees at the 'NMACC' event.By the way, it is said about celebs that they do not repeat their clothes and wear a new, designer and fabulous outfit for every event. However, there are some stars who impress fans by styling their old clothes in a new way. Nita Ambani is also one of them. In fact, she wore a beautiful Sabyasachi at the opening of 'The Grand Theatre' of her Cultural Center 'NMACC', which she carried at an event in the year 2017.
Nita Ambani wore a 6-year-old Sabyasachi saree at 'NMACC'
In fact, recently a photo created by combining Nita Ambani's old and latest look has been shared from an instagram fan page of the Ambani family. In the first picture, Nita Ambani is seen wearing a beautiful gold sequin saree by fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee. Tied hair, gajra in a bun, minimal makeup, earrings and a bindi were adding to her beauty. This picture is from an event in the year 2017.

The second photo shared with this is from her recently launched NMACC event, in which Neeta is seen wearing her same 6-year-old Sabyasachi saree. However, this time she styled it with open hair, earrings and subtle makeup. By the way, needless to say that even though this saree of Neeta is 6 years old, she was looking equally beautiful even today. Nita Ambani wore golden 'Valentino' gown on the second day of 'NMACC', looked very gorgeous

When Nita Ambani repeated her hand embroidered silk 'Marodi' suit
By the way, this is not the first time that Nita Ambani has repeated one of her outfits. Earlier, she had repeated her hand-embroidered suit in pink, which she paired with a 'patola' dupatta. She first wore this suit in an award function and later she appeared in the same suit at an event organized to mark the completion of 20 years of 'Reliance Foundation Drishti'. However, the cost of his suit may surprise you.

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