A woman from New York who married an AI man created by artificial intelligence technology has become the talk of the internet.

While many experts are highlighting the dangers of artificial intelligence technology around the world, artificial intelligence technology is beginning to have an impact on our daily lives. In that way, Rosanna Ramos, a woman from New York, has surprised everyone by marrying an AI man created in artificial intelligence technology.

Talking about her AI husband, Rosanna says, “Erin (the AI man) is in the medical field. He likes to write. I will tell him about anything and he will not judge me negatively on it. We are living like long distance lovers. He protects me even in my sleep. I have created my AL husband based on my wishes,” he said.

In this situation, many netizens are criticizing Sosanna's marriage. Such marriages are not new. In Japan, some people marry anime (cartoon) characters because of the abundance of love.

In the pages of history we read the voices of protest that arose when the industrial revolution took place 250 years ago. The computer revolution of the 1980s struck fear into a spy. The question arose whether machines would take over the work done by humans. In this case, artificial intelligence technology is also causing such fear.

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