Doctors removed the nose of the 10-day-old baby..!?

When the doctors removed the nose of a 10-day-old child, the family members of the child became agitated in front of the hospital. The incident took place in Narayan Guda, Hyderabad. A newborn baby was diagnosed with an infection and doctors cut off the baby's nose as part of the treatment. Because of this, the parents are in tears after seeing the condition of the child. The doctors are being questioned about this and they are giving negligent answers. Complained to the police about the negligence of the hospital doctors. The family members protested in front of the hospital on friday when the staff who came to know about this said that they would discharge the child from the hospital. This incident came to light in Hyderabad's Narayanaguda. If we go into the details about it. imran khan and Harshannussa Khan from the old town of Kala Pattar. They were married for less than 13 years. But there was no child. Many hospitals were visited without success. Harshannusa got pregnant recently after 13 years. Harshannussa Khan gave birth to a beautiful baby on 8th June. For this, he was admitted to Fernandes Hospital in Hyderguda. The born child was also named Fateh Khan.
However, soon after birth, the doctors noticed that the baby was having trouble breathing and immediately shifted him to the NICU. The baby has been in the NICU since then. Ten days later, the doctors showed the baby to the parents. At that time the child's nose was black. The parents asked the doctors about the same thing. He said that the child was given oxygen as part of the treatment, which led to an infection.To get rid of the black nose, parents were asked to apply an ointment. After that he was again put in NICU... when he showed the baby again.. the black part that was there when he was first shown was gone. The doctors were questioned as to what had happened. The father was angry that the doctors gave a careless answer to this. The hospital bill per day is Rs. 35000 per person, so far they are charging Rs. Boruna laments that they paid a bill of up to 5 lakhs.
They said that the child had a fever and water was running from the nose. At that time, they said that they could not stop crying when they saw that the water was cleaned with a cotton swab. They approached the police claiming that Dr. Saikiran and his medical team were responsible for this atrocity. As the case went to the police station, the hospital sources said that Babu had an infection. They said that they will try to correct the nose after the baby is one year old. He said that it will be possible to do full nose plastic surgery only after 10 years.

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