An intriguing and humorous occurrence that occurred in Rathna's life was recently shared on facebook and instagram by the well-known news anchor from a well-liked private tamil tv station. The story includes a 25-year-old young man who surprised and amused her by putting out a marriage proposal in the middle of the night.
Rathna posted a throwback photo of herself from 1995, when she was first starting to earn some notoriety and attention, on her facebook page. She described in the post the humorous incident that occurred as she was riding her scooter through Valluvar Kottam wearing a saree after concluding a shoot.
The young man recognized Rathna and came confidently up to her at a signal. He appeared to be a fan of the well-known tamil tv station sun tv where Rathna works. "You are sun TV's Rathna, right?" he said. She provided an affirmative response. The passionate young guy then unexpectedly proposed to Rathna, stating, "I want to marry you. What is your response? Rathna respectfully declined the offer, saying, "Sorry, no chance," while keeping her cool and sharp tongue. I have already been wed.

But the young guy wasn't about to give up so simply, so he posed a playful but slightly cheeky query: "Tell me if you have a sister, I will marry her!" Rathna, who was obviously delighted by the circumstances, quickly left the scene while grinning, destroyed the young man's dreams. The news anchor's remark instantly caught the attention of her fans and followers, who swamped the comments section with praise for her reaction and laughs. Others recounted their own amusing interactions with fans, while many commended her poise and humour in handling the issue.
Rathna's social media profile has grown recently as a result of her active engagement with her followers on websites like facebook and Instagram. While working as a newsreader and tv programme presenter, she manages to find time to interact with her audience and offer amusing anecdotes from her life.

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