User asked Smriti Irani- 'Have you married your friend's husband?' EX-actress repliedRecently, former actress smriti irani hosted an 'Ask Me Anything' session on Instagram. During this, she also responded to a rumor about her marriage with Zubin Irani. Smriti Irani , who is famous for playing the role of 'Tulsi Virani' in the tv show 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi', bjp mp and Union Minister, is not very fond of social media, but sometimes she is very fond of social media. Likes to communicate with fans. In this sequence, on 13 august 2023, he hosted the 'Ask Me Anything' session on his instagram handle. During this, he answered the questions of the fans in a fearless manner. He did not even deny the questions of his personal life.
Smriti Irani replied on the question of marrying her friend's husbandIn fact, during the 'Ask Me Anything' session, a user dared to ask smriti irani, "Are you married to your friend's husband?" This question is often asked to her, so Smriti wrote that she would like to set the record straight once and for all.
He replied clarifying, "No sir...Mona is 13 years elder to there is no question of her being my 'childhood friend'...she is a family man, not a politician, so Don't drag them into this. Fight me, argue with me, humiliate me, but don't drag a citizen with you into the gutter who has nothing to do with politics. She deserves respect."Netizens praised Smriti IraniSmriti Irani was also praised for doing 'Ask Me Anything', as it had never been done before by any politician. To this he replied that there is always a first time. He answered most of the questions with humor and wit. A fan asked him how he is successful in politics despite being 'honest, forthright and transparent'. So Smriti called it 'pure luck'.

Smriti Irani's personal life
Talking about the personal life of actress and politician smriti irani, she married already married Zubin Irani in the year 2001. Zubin has a daughter, Shanelle, with his first wife Mona, whom he married in february 2023. Whereas, Smriti and Zubin have two children Zohar and Zoish.

smriti irani career
Please tell that Smriti started her career in the world of glamor by participating in 'Miss India'. He has worked in several tv shows including 'Kavita', 'Kya Hadsa Kya Haqiqat', 'Ramayan', 'Thodi Si Zameen Thoda Sa Aasmaan' and 'Teen Bahuraniyan

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