Up to 105 residents of the twin telugu states of andhra pradesh and telangana are included among the wealthiest persons in india, according to Hurun India. At Rs 8.08 lakh crores, mukesh ambani is the richest individual in india, topping the list. gautam adani, worth 4.74 lakh crores, and Cyrus Poonawalla, worth 2.78 lakh crores, are the next in line behind him. Twelve of the 55 individuals from the telugu states that make up the list of the richest people in india are billionaires.

The owner of Divi Laboratories, murali Divi, is worth Rs 55,700 crores. He is followed in wealth by PV krishna Reddy, who is worth Rs 35,800 crores, and Pamireddy Pitchi reddy (Megha Industries), who is worth Rs 37,300 crores. Parthasarathi reddy of Hetero Labs is worth Rs 21,900 crores, whereas MyHome Rameshwara Rao Jupally is worth Rs 17,500 crores. The persons on the list from telugu states have a collective worth of Rs 5.25 lakh crores. Of these 105 wealthy people, 87 currently call hyderabad home.

With around 167 billionaires, india ranks third in the world, behind the united states and China. Of these 167 billionaires, gautam adani, Shiv Nadar, Syrus Poonawalla, and mukesh ambani have been India's richest men for the past 14 years.

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