South African player Tabraiz Shamsi has been scolded by indian fans for his actions against the indian team player. At one point it crossed the line and they targeted his wife's social media pages too and hurled vile words. Tabraiz Shamsi has now shared his grief in public about the incident. A few weeks ago, the t20 series between india and south africa was held. In the second match, Tabraiz Shamsi took the wicket of Suryakumar Yadav, who was the captain of the indian t20 team. He then took the shoe in his hand and held it to his ear like a phone to celebrate his wicket. Some indian fans felt that Shamsi's action was disrespectful to Suryakumar. But Shamsi has done a similar celebration many times before. He has also explained it before.
Shamsi had explained that he was doing this with the shoe while asking the on-field umpire and the third umpire on the walkie-talkie whether it was out. However, showing off the shoe is considered disrespectful in indian culture. However, some fans, who did not understand that Shamsi did not do so on purpose, took to Shamsi's social media pages after the match to criticize him. Also, they are insulting his wife without stopping. Talking about it with regret, Shamsi said that some people took what he did as disrespectful. They also scolded his wife. He don't want that. He accept that sometimes players can be mocked and teased. But it is unacceptable to speak ill of their family. Behave as human beings. He said he should not behave like an animal.