PM Modi's Fan Cut His Finger..!? Offerings to Goddess Kali..!?

A fan showed his devotion to PM Modi in an innovative way. He has already built a special temple for Modi in his house. Moreover, he freshly cut his finger and offered it to Goddess Kali. This incident was in the news. Everyone has their favorite person. Some like their parents. Brothers and family at home also like them very much. But others like movie heroes and politicians. When they are together with their fans, they show their love and admiration to each other. Some give flowers and boxes of sweets to themselves. In some other places.. huge flexi are arranged. Some even build huts for their favorite heroes, politicians, and anyone they like. We often see things like this. But here a man cut his finger to make sure that his favorite leader Modi gets a hat-trick victory in the elections this time. The incident is currently in the news.
Varnekar lives in the Sonarwada area of Karwar city in Karnataka. He has great respect for prime minister Modi. He always respects the prime minister like he respects his parents at home. Warnekar likes his policies and actions taken for the country. Along with this, he also built a temple for Modi in his house. Moreover, recently he went a step further and he cut off one finger of his hand and offered it to Goddess Kalika. Modi is the greatest of all even when blood is coming out. Locals have expressed their shock over this incident. He was immediately taken to the hospital. He is found to have cut his left index finger. Meanwhile, Warnekar emphasized that since prime minister Modi took charge, conflicts with neighboring countries have decreased. PM Modi is credited for bringing peace in the kashmir region and believes that the country's progress depends on Modi's leadership. “Earlier there were reports of terrorist activities and deaths of soldiers from kashmir, but now the region is calm. He told the media that prime minister Narendra Modi is needed once again for the development of the country.Earlier, during the 2019 general elections, he tried to chop off his finger. But due to some reasons, he could not do it. But this time he cut his finger. Varnekar, who previously worked in the mumbai film industry, now resides in Karwar city and takes care of his elderly mother. Despite being unmarried, his devotion to prime minister Modi seems to be unwavering.

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