The first thing you want to know as a tourist is if the place you are visiting will accept you or not. Nobody enjoys visiting unfriendly locations where foreigners and visitors are despised. Concerns over indians living in albania have been aroused by a video that an indian girl posted at a music event. An indian girl who attended a performance in Tirana, albania, talked about her experiences as a visitor. She said that several of the residents there had insulted her and over the line, telling her to "go back to her country."

The video has elicited a variety of responses. The claims that immigrants are stealing what is rightfully theirs surely contribute to the xenophobia that is spreading around the world. The UK is already seeing the effects of the world's inability to share, as riots are destroying cities with their waste.

Paradoxically, a number of prominent figures on indian social media were purportedly in favor of the anti-immigration riots and violence that occurred in many UK cities. They conveniently overlooked the reality that the effects of these disturbances will also affect Indians. Let's hope indians doesn't get affected in the future!

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