Time hasn't been on our side, as we are all aware, and civilization is fast declining. Money is the reason behind scams and blackmail, and since last year, the number of fraudsters has skyrocketed. Similar events included renowned author harris Sultan, the author of the best-selling book "The Curse Of god - Why I Left Islam." He recruited an indian editor for his YouTube channel, even though he is mostly located in Australia.
This turned out to be his worst error as the video editor tried to con him out of money, and when he turned the offer down, he changed the name of his YouTube channel to "Scumbag Beggar." Due to YouTube's policy of retaining changes to the channel for a minimum of 14 days, harris Sultan will now have to wait 14 days to restore his YouTube image after the fraudster used this action to damage it.
He said, ".@YouTubeCreators, I made the mistake of hiring a cheap video editor from india who tried to scam me for money," in a post on "X," the former twitter platform. He renamed my channel "Scumbag Beggar" after I declined. I am now being informed by @YouTube that I must wait 14 days in order to change it back. Really, @YouTube?

People would now be reluctant to hire another indian because they are fearful of being conned, which destroys the entire image of certain indian workers who are working with foreigners due to their lack of work ethics. Maintaining one's personal dignity in the workplace requires one to act responsibly as an employee.

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