Pakistan Influencer Goes Viral for Hugging Lioness, Sparking Mixed Reactions

A Pakistani influencer recently made headlines for sharing an affectionate hug with a massive lioness, challenging common safety norms regarding interactions with dangerous predators. Typically, people maintain a cautious distance from such wild animals during safaris or zoo visits, except for trained professionals.

Mian Saqib, a popular social media figure known for his interactions with wildlife, posted a video of himself hugging a lioness within an enclosure. Despite the lioness being nearly twice his size, Saqib appeared to handle the situation with ease. The lioness, which seemed well-trained, playfully tried to jump into his lap before the two shared a tender embrace.

The video elicited a range of responses online. While some viewers found the interaction heartwarming, others were concerned about the risks involved. One impressed user commented, “You are nothing short of a god to me,” acknowledging Saqib’s apparent comfort with the lioness. Another added, “Great, but managing wild animals is very tough,” while a third expressed worry, saying, “Brother, you are making very dangerous videos.” A sarcastic remark also surfaced, stating, “Any of your posts could be your last.”

In a related story, a video surfaced earlier of a man affectionately hugging a lioness named Sirga in a desert setting. The footage, shared by what appeared to be a forest official on Instagram, showed the lioness wrapping her paws around the man in a seemingly gentle manner. The video, captioned “No gym workout needed when this is your daily hug routine,” garnered over 1.7 million views on Instagram, highlighting the public’s fascination with such unusual interactions with w

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