These people make alcohol inside their body…?

Drinking alcohol is harmful for health. This is the reason why every sensible person advises to stay away from alcohol. But what if alcohol starts getting produced inside the body on its own. Not only does alcohol start getting produced, but it also causes dangerous intoxication. Yes, this is not a lie but the truth. There are some people on this earth, in whose body alcohol gets produced and they also get intoxicated by it. Let us tell you about it in detail.

How does alcohol start getting produced inside the body?

Actually, the reason for the formation of alcohol inside the body is a rare disease. This disease is called Auto-brewery syndrome. This disease is very rare, in which the body of a person starts producing alcohol (ethanol) inside itself. It is also known as Gut fermentation syndrome. Now know how alcohol is produced in the body. Actually, during this disease, the carbohydrates or sugar particles present inside the body react with yeast and turn into ethanol. Due to this, ethanol i.e. alcohol starts forming inside the body. Due to this, the sick person often remains intoxicated with alcohol.

Understand the whole process in detail

Actually, the process of auto-brewery syndrome takes place inside the digestive system of a person. Understand it like this that when a person eats food, especially if that food is rich in carbohydrates, then the yeast or fungus present in his digestive system starts converting these elements into alcohol. Usually this process takes place in the small intestine and large intestine. Let us tell you, the type of yeast present inside the body is the same which is used to make beer and other alcoholic drinks. After the alcohol is formed in the intestines, it gets mixed in the blood and the person remains intoxicated throughout the day. Recently, a similar case was reported in Belgium. A person was suffering from auto-brewery syndrome and alcohol was being produced automatically inside his body.

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