Bottle of wine, which will make more intoxicated?

You must have often heard people say that beer is less intoxicating than wine. In such a situation, many times people drink more beer. On the other hand, people start feeling very intoxicated even after drinking a little wine. In such a situation, the question arises whether wine is really more intoxicating than beer or how much intoxication does a person get from wine compared to two bottles of beer? Let us know today.

How much is the amount of alcohol in beer and wine?

Both beer and wine contain alcohol, but there is a difference in their quantity. Usually a 330 ml beer contains about 5 percent alcohol. This means that one beer contains 16.5 ml alcohol. When you drink two bottles of beer, you are consuming a total of 33 ml alcohol. On the other hand, the amount of alcohol in one bottle of wine (750 ml) is between 40 to 50 percent. This means that one bottle of wine contains about 300 to 375 ml of alcohol.

Two bottles of beer or one bottle of wine?

If we compare two bottles of beer and one bottle of wine, it is difficult to say which one will be more intoxicating. It depends on how much alcohol is there in beer and wine. If the amount of alcohol in both is equal, then both will cause almost equal intoxication. If a bottle of beer contains 500 ml and has 5% alcohol, then it will contain 25 ml of pure alcohol. If a bottle of wine contains 750 ml and has 12% alcohol, then it will contain 90 ml of pure alcohol.

What happens to the body when you get intoxicated by beer and wine?

Beer is generally lighter than wine. On the other hand, alcohol takes hold quickly and its effects are felt faster. You may feel faster and deeper intoxication when you drink wine as compared to beer. However, both alcohol and beer can have a bad effect on your health due to excessive intoxication. Therefore, if you are consuming alcohol or beer, it is important to be careful. Excessive intoxication of anything will have a bad effect on the body.

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