These are the animals that are hunted most by wolves?

These days there is terror of wolves in some villages of Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, some areas of madhya pradesh are also troubled by the terror of wolves. Recently, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath himself visited those areas where people are troubled by the terror of wolves. These days people are troubled by the fear of this animal that roams in herds. In many villages, people are living in gram panchayats instead of staying in their homes due to fear. In such a situation, the question arises that who do wolves hunt the most and how much distance do they travel in a day? Let's know.

Who do wolves hunt the most?

Generally, every person is afraid of wolves. The dreaded wolf can kill anyone, but let us tell you that children are more targeted by wolves than adults. Children are physically weak and small in size. That is why they hunt them the most. Their gestures and body give them more advantage. In many cases it has been seen that children mistake wolves for dogs and get attracted towards them and go to play with them. In this way children are easy prey for wolves. Apart from this, wolf expert Ham Berger says that wolves do not attack to play, threaten or bite but they search for food to satisfy their hunger and children are their easiest prey. This is the reason that wherever there is terror of wolves, there are more reports of children's death and people try to keep children's clothes away from wolves.

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