Somewhere tax is imposed on cow and somewhere on robot?

For some time now, there has been a debate in the country on imposing robot tax. That is, the companies which are using robots will have to pay tax. At the same time, it is being implemented in some countries. In such a situation, do you know that some taxes around the world are so strange that you will laugh just by hearing them. Let us know about some such taxes in this story today.

Tax on cow

You will be surprised to know that in denmark and some european nations, tax is imposed on cow farts. Actually, this tax is imposed to combat global warming. According to some reports, the air released by cows contributes 18 percent to the total greenhouse of Europe. In Ireland, this tax is imposed on every cow at the rate of $ 18, while Danish farmers have to pay a tax of $ 110 on every cow.

Tax on beard

You will laugh to hear this, but in 1705, the ruler of russia, Peter the Great, imposed a tax on beard. Actually Peter wanted the Russian society to be modern like the european countries and people should shave their beards regularly. At that time, those who paid beard tax in russia got a token. Which they had to carry with them all the time.

Window tax

It may sound strange but in 1696, William III imposed tax on windows. At that time, the more windows a person had in his house, the more tax he had to pay. Later, people started reducing the number of windows in their houses, which started causing health problems. Due to which this tax was later abolished.

Breast tax

In the Travancore state of India, women from the deprived sections of the society had to pay breast tax. Actually, at that time, women from 'lower castes' did not have the freedom to cover their breasts. In such a situation, they had to pay tax for covering their breasts. In such a situation, tax collectors used to measure the breasts and collect tax accordingly, due to which a brave girl, upset, cut off her breast and gave it to the tax collector. After which this tax was abolished.

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