Which country in the world has the most embassies?

Today, most people go to other countries for tourism, business and studies. But do you know what is most important apart from passport and visa while travelling to another country. The answer is embassy. Yes, in case of any kind of problem in another country, it is necessary to go to the embassy of your country to contact your country. Not only this, even in an emergency or war like situation, the embassy officials help the citizens of their country. Today we will tell you how many countries' embassies are present in India.


Now the question is what is the work of an embassy in a country. For knowing, let us tell you that the embassy is an institution that takes care of the security and interests of the people living in a foreign country. Apart from this, the ambassadors of that country live in the embassy, who work to maintain diplomatic relations with their country, administer consulates, and provide consulate services.

Contact points abroad

If a citizen faces any kind of problem abroad, then in this situation he can directly go to the embassy in that country and tell his problems to the officials. Not only this, if you face any emergency, theft, bullying, threat or any financial situation in a foreign country, then you can directly inform the embassy of your country about it.


It is most important to have a passport to go to any country. Not only this, passport is necessary for the citizen of any country. Without a passport, no citizen can return to his country. However, sometimes in some accidents or incidents, the passport of the citizens is lost or stolen. Even in such a situation, the embassy officials help the citizen of their country. Apart from this, if someone in another country makes you a prisoner or exerts any other kind of pressure, then in that situation also the embassy officials help the citizen of their country in collaboration with the government of that country.

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