On Tuesday, december 10, in Ranipet, tamil Nadu, a class 9 kid tragically passed away after fainting in class. A private school on the Chennai-Bengaluru motorway was the scene of the tragedy.
A CCTV camera also recorded the incident, which was said to have occurred at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Advitha, the 14-year-old student who passed away, was in class when she passed out. After that, she was brought to a Melvisharam private hospital. But according to india Today, doctors pronounced her "brought dead." According to investigations, she had been undergoing treatment for heart-related conditions.Dr. K Vasanthakumar, the chief of dermatology at the Vellore government Medical college Hospital, is reportedly her father.
Police investigation The case is presently being looked into the Kaveripakkam police. According to india Today, the body was found by the police and is currently being transferred to the Vellore government Hospital for a post-mortem.
AMU Bangladeshi students cause controversy with a derogatory social media post about ISKCON and Hindu women that was caught on CCTV.
Advitha briefly rested on a classmate's shoulder before passing out, according to the CCTV footage. It further said that when the terrified student realised Advitha had fainted, she yelled for her instructor.The teacher is seen rushing to the girl in an effort to help her while her classmates rush for more help.