Recently, in Shamli district of Uttar Pradesh, some cunning criminals had demanded 50 lakh rupees and a Fortuner car from a businessman named Abid, and threatened to kill him if their demand was not met. After this, the victim businessman had lodged a complaint at the Kandhla police station. After a thorough investigation of this case, Kandhla police has arrested three cunning criminals who threatened businessman Abid and demanded ransom. police have also recovered a large amount of illegal weapons and the car used in the incident from the possession of the arrested criminals. At present, the police have registered a case and sent the criminals to jail.
What is the matter?
Let us tell you, Abida Saifi, a resident of Kandhla police station town of Shamli district, has a hardware shop on the small canal. About 10 days ago, the criminals had demanded 50 lakh rupees and a Fortuner car from the businessman over the phone. The criminals had threatened to kill him if he did not give the money and the car. After this incident, the victim businessman and his family were terrified.
The victim businessman had filed a complaint at the police station and pleaded for protection from the miscreants. The police was continuously searching for the accused after registering a case. On the instructions of Shamli SP Ramsevak Gautam, the SOG, Surveillance Team and the team of Kandhla police station Incharge Inspector Kshitij Kumar Singh have arrested the accused after investigation.
police arrested three miscreants
The police, while revealing the case, have arrested Yusuf, Zahoor, a resident of Kandhla and a miscreant Zubed, a resident of Lisadi Gate, Meerut. During interrogation, the accused told that their partner Zahoor's two daughters are to get married on january 19 next and in such a situation he needed money. For this reason, the miscreants had demanded ransom from the businessman in the name of panipat resident miscreant Surendra and Kal. A partner of the arrested miscreants, Sikandar resident of Loni, absconded, whom the police team is searching for. The police has currently sent all three miscreants to jail.