A minor student from agra reached maha Kumbh organized in Prayagraj and decided to become a Sadhvi. For this, the student wore saffron clothes and announced sanyaas. When discussions started about this, the Mahant who initiated the student in the Akhara was expelled from the Akhara. 15-year-old Gauri from agra, who became a Sadhvi after reaching Juna Akhara in Prayagraj, has now returned to her home. Gauri is sitting with the family but is only talking about becoming a Sadhvi.
Gauri has returned home but the student's attire looks saffron. Student Gauri has said that she will always remain in this form. She likes this form since childhood. Gauri of Turkpura village of agra became a Sadhvi after taking initiation from Juna Akhara, while Mahant Kaushal Giri of Juna Akhara, who made a 15-year-old minor a Sadhvi and received her as a donation, was expelled from the Akhara. There was a lot of discussion after the minor girl became a Sadhvi. Gauri has just returned to her home in agra from maha Kumbh Prayagraj and is still living as a Sadhvi.
If I am stopped from becoming a Sadhvi, I will jump into the ganga and give up my life - Gauri
Gauri says that she will still live as a Sadhvi and will go back to the Akhara after studying in Gurukul and becoming an adult. Gauri said that I had told my family that I want to become a Sadhvi, if I am stopped from becoming a Sadhvi, I will jump into the ganga, if I do not become a Sadhvi, I will jump into the ganga and give up my life. In maha Kumbh Prayagraj, in Juna Akhara, even the Mahant can become a minor saint, then why is there so much talk about me becoming a Sadhvi.
People who know Gauri say that since childhood, Gauri is busy in worship. Gauri has always been seen talking about religious things. Gauri, who returned to agra from maha Kumbh, says that when Shrimad Bhagwat Katha was held in our village, from that time itself I had this in my mind that I also have to live life in the same way. I also want to become a Sadhvi, it is not their fault, now I will study by staying in Gurukul and when I grow up, then I will go back to Akhara, now I will always wear saffron clothes and have to live life in this way.