Delhi bjp has shared the criminal history of its 6 candidates for the upcoming assembly elections-2025 with everyone on X-post. According to the format, any party that nominates a candidate against whom a case is pending or who is already convicted, has to give information about it in public as per the instructions issued by the election Commission. According to information received from sources, bjp is also tweeting it from its official handle. So that bjp can show the image of the party transparent in front of the public with this step. However, everyone can have their own perspective to see and understand it.

bjp has 6 candidates with criminal record

The question is, apart from these 6 candidates, are there no other candidates in bjp against whom information about criminal record has been given to EC? In response to this, it has been told off the record that further tweets will be made about such candidates.

bjp has shared this information with everyone in three threads on Xpost. Regarding the criminal record of Sangam vihar candidate Chandan Kumar Chaudhary, it has been told that a case has been registered against him for illegal construction, using casteist words under SC-ST Act and criminal intimidation.

Disclosing the criminal record of lakshmi Nagar candidate Abhay Kumar Verma, the party has told that an FIR has been registered against him at police station Shakarpur for criminal intimidation. Regarding Rajouri Garden candidate Sardar Manjinder Singh Sirsa, the party has told that a case of defamation and illegal demonstration has been registered against him. While patel Nagar candidate raj Kumar anand has been accused of evading customs duty on import and wrong declaration of custom duty. Cases have been registered against Jangpura candidate Sardar Tarvinder Singh Marwah for damaging public property. A case has been registered against Badarpur candidate Narayan Dutt Sharma at the police station for preventing a public servant from discharging his duty.

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