India's javelin throw star player Neeraj Chopra has tied the knot. He has surprised everyone by marrying secretly. But the question in everyone's mind is who is the one whom Neeraj Chopra has married. So let us tell you that Neeraj has married Himani Mor, a resident of Sonipat, Haryana.

Star player 27-year-old Neeraj announced the marriage on his social media handle. Neeraj wrote in a post with pictures of the wedding ceremony, "I started a new chapter of my life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment. Bound by love, always be happy."

Who is Himani Mor?

Neeraj Chopra's wife Himani Mor is from Sonipat and she is studying in America. Chopra's uncle Bhim told that the marriage took place in the country and the couple has left for honeymoon. He also told that yes, the marriage took place in india two days ago. I cannot tell where this happened. Neeraj's maternal uncle said, "The girl is from Sonipat and she is studying in America. They have gone out of the country for honeymoon and I don't know where they are going. We wanted to keep it like this."

Won gold in Tokyo

Let us tell you that Neeraj, who won the gold medal in the tokyo Olympics and the silver medal in the paris Games, was earlier training in South Africa. He had joined hands with Czech Republic's world record-holding javelin throw legend Jan Zelezny.

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