UPSTF has killed four miscreants in an encounter in the area adjoining haryana border in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh police director General prashant kumar gave information in this regard. He said that 4 miscreants were killed and during this our Inspector sunil has also been seriously injured. Inspector sunil was hit by 3-4 bullets and his condition is critical and he is undergoing treatment at Medanta Hospital in Gurugram. One of the miscreants killed has been identified as Arshad and he had a reward of Rs 1 lakh on him and he was wanted in a robbery case in saharanpur district. His other 2 accomplices have been identified as Manjeet and Satish. 1 Brezza car, 2 pistols, 1 carbine and 3 guns have also been recovered from them.

DGP said that Arshad is an active member of Muqeem Kala gang. More than 16 cases are registered against Arshad, out of which 5 are of murder and he was released in june 2024 and became active again. He formed his own gang and was continuously doing such acts in the surrounding areas of haryana and Uttar Pradesh.'

UP STF said in this case that Arshad was wanted in a robbery case from Behat police station of saharanpur and a reward of Rs 1 lakh was announced on him. Cases of robbery, dacoity and murder were registered against Arshad. During the encounter, Inspector Sunil, who was leading the STF team, was hit by several bullets and is undergoing treatment. He has been referred to Medanta, Gurgaon.

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