aam aadmi party has suffered a jolt before the assembly elections. On tuesday (21 January), two municipal councillors and a former mla left AAP and joined BJP. Apart from this, mp Sanjay Singh's representative Vijendra Chaudhary joined BJP. On tuesday, Shridutt Sharma, who was an mla from Ghonda in the year 2015-20, gave a jolt to aam aadmi party and joined BJP. Apart from this, municipal councillor rekha Rani from Bhajanpura and councillor shilpa Kaur from Khyala joined BJP. They were inducted into bjp by Harsh Malhotra, manoj tiwari and Kamaljit Sehrawat.

It is worth noting that the process of defection of leaders is continuing amidst the delhi assembly elections. bjp is breaking the leaders of aam aadmi party and congress, while aam aadmi party is inducting bjp and congress leaders into its party. In delhi, political parties are constantly engaged in inducting other leaders into their party.

Apart from this, on tuesday (21 January), aam aadmi party inducted congress leader lokesh Bansal into its party in New delhi assembly constituency. After lokesh Bansal joined AAP, Aam Aadmi Party's national convenor and former cm arvind kejriwal said that his joining will strengthen our party, because lokesh Bansal is the supreme leader of congress in New delhi Assembly.

It is worth noting that as the date of election in delhi is getting closer, the round of attack and counter-attack between political leaders is going on. aam aadmi party and bjp are attacking each other. Let us tell you that voting will be held in delhi on february 5, while the election results will be declared on february 8.

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