Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) has clarified that it will continue to support the N Biren Singh-led bjp government in Manipur. JDU has rejected the claims of withdrawing support, calling it baseless. The party has removed JDU's Manipur president Kshetramayum Virendra Singh from the post for writing a letter reiterating the demand for taking support without consulting the central leadership. However, earlier JDU itself showed attitude, but now it is engaged in damage control.

According to ANI report, JDU says that the party will continue its alliance with bjp at both the state and national level. The party has also said that the state president has been removed from the post due to indiscipline. At the same time, the party's national spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan prasad termed Virendra Singh's letter as misleading and said that the state unit had not talked to the central leadership about this and has worked independently. He said, "JDU has been supporting nda and will continue to do so in future. We are with nda and the state party will continue to work for the development of the state while serving the people of Manipur."

What was the matter?                   

This controversy erupted in Manipur when JDU state president Kshetramayum Virendra Singh wrote a letter to the state governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla claiming that JDU is reiterating its withdrawal of support from the Bharpa government and JDU's only mla Mohammad Abdul Nasir will sit on the opposition bench.

Will bjp become a big party in Bihar?       

assembly elections are also going to be held in bihar after some time. In such a situation, political experts believe that the bharatiya janata party can emerge as a big party in the state. Looking at the way bjp has performed in the elections of haryana and maharashtra in the last few months, political experts believe that bjp can put pressure on JDU in bihar and declare its cm face. However, since the Modi government at the Centre has the support of Nitish Kumar's JDU and Chandrababu Naidu, such possibilities can only be speculated upon. For now, JDU has tried to do damage control by removing the state president who had written a letter withdrawing support from the bjp in Manipur.

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