yogi Cabinet meeting was held on wednesday in Prayagraj Mahakumbh in Uttar Pradesh. After this, in a press conference, chief minister yogi Adityanath announced several schemes. Now Samajwadi party National President akhilesh yadav has commented on this. The Kannauj mp has claimed that there is no budget for the announcements made by cm Yogi. The former cm of Uttar Pradesh shared a newspaper clipping and wrote on social media site X that do not lie 'on the banks of Ganga'. Do not make announcement without budget.
Earlier also, the SP chief had taken a dig at the yogi Cabinet on social media site X on Wednesday. On the ganga bath done by the cm and his cabinet colleagues, the SP chief had said that this is the prayer to the Lord that whoever goes to the 'Sangam coast' should develop harmony, love and compassion in them.
Let us tell you that a cabinet meeting was held in Teerthraj Prayagraj on wednesday under the chairmanship of chief minister yogi Adityanath, in which the yogi government approved 10 important proposals to speed up the development of the state. In this, a new policy has been approved with the aim of making Uttar Pradesh a 'Maharathi' in the aerospace and defense sector. Under this, the target is to attract an investment of 50 thousand crores. After the implementation of this policy, there is a strong possibility of 1 lakh youth of the state getting direct employment.
FDI policy approved
In the sequence of giving 'Mahasaugat' to the state from the Mahakumbh city, among other important proposals, the yogi cabinet has approved the FDI policy for foreign companies to set up industries. Under this, the yogi government will give up to 80 percent subsidy on land. Apart from this, the yogi government has also taken steps towards major reforms in the UP Industrial Investment and Employment Promotion Policy. A meeting was organized under the chairmanship of chief minister yogi Adityanath in the Triveni Complex of Mahakumbh Nagar.