Saturn as the Undisputed king of Moon..!! 

It is known that the planets Mercury and Venus in our solar system do not have a single moon. However, Earth has one moon and Mars has two moons each. Of the rest, Neptune has 16 moons and Uranus has 28 moons. Jupiter has a total of 95 moons. However, it is a mistake to think that this is a large number. In this regard, Jupiter and Saturn used to have a constant fight over the number of moons! As part of this, until yesterday, Jupiter had 95 moons, while Saturn had 146 moons. However... now that number has changed. It seems that Saturn has reached a height that no one can reach in the number of moons.
Scientists have recently discovered that another 128 moons are orbiting Saturn. With this, the total number of moons of Saturn has now reached 274. With this, Saturn has become the planet with the largest number of moons in our solar system! In this sequence, 63 of these new 128 moons related to Saturn were discovered between 2019 - 21. While the rest are said to have been discovered in 2023. To this extent, these things were revealed by Edward Aston, an astronomer at the Academia Sinica in Taiwan. However, these 128 new moons are not as large or spherical as the moon on the planet Earth. They are said to be very small in size and of various shapes. However, it is believed that all of them have become small moons due to the gravitational force of Saturn's orbit at the beginning of the formation of the solar system. Meanwhile, Saturn, which recently set a record with 274 moons, is known to be spread over a diameter of more than two hundred and eighty thousand kilometers. At the same time, scientists say that it is the lightest planet among all the planets. It is said that winds blow at a speed of 1,800 km per hour on this planet.

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