Can drinking energy drinks also cause heart attack? 

Nowadays youth are getting attracted to tv advertisements and fitness icons drinking energy drinks for energy. Not only youth, people of all ages are drinking such drinks to keep themselves energetic and for instant energy. Drinking these drinks brings new life i.e. energy to your body, but the truth is that they are also causing great harm to your heart health. A study by Harvard T.H. Chan school of Public health states that drinking energy drinks after exercising does not provide any benefit to the exercise, on the contrary heart health is in danger. In such a situation, let us know whether energy drinks can also cause heart attack.

What is in energy drinks?

Energy drinks mainly contain caffeine, sugar, taurine, guarana, and some other stimulants. All these elements work to provide instant energy to the body, but their excessive amount can also be harmful.

Can drinking energy drinks cause heart attack?

1. Excessive caffeine

Energy drinks contain a high amount of caffeine, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure. This puts pressure on the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of heart attack.

2. Sudden increase in blood pressure

Research has found that blood pressure increases after drinking energy drinks. If you already have high blood pressure, then drinking energy drinks can be dangerous. This can increase the risk of heart attack.

3. High sugar level

Most energy drinks contain a high amount of sugar, which can increase diabetes and obesity. Both of these are major reasons for increasing the risk of heart diseases and can increase the risk of heart attack.

4. Irregular heartbeat

The caffeine and other stimulants present in energy drinks can cause irregular heartbeat (Arrhythmia), which can lead to a serious condition. There is a risk of heart attack due to this.

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