India Herald, the most aggressive giant in the current web world. Although there are many sites in the web world, they are far from experimental and always go ahead with the template process. Websites in telugu, on the other hand, are going one step ahead in embracing technology and seven steps behind. But, the india Herald, which is running ambitiously under the auspices of Saripalli Kotireddy, has become a platform for many experiments. In defiance of breaking news which is broadcasting on television channels, he quested for the breaking news to be given in the sites as well.

The cards were introduced in this order and taken to the level of websites. That means any breaking news can be posted immediately with small steps and is also possible to post from the phone. Only india Herald has introduced this card system to take the breaking news into the people in the history of telugu web journalism. The strange thing is that even the iconic media houses are following the Herald and throwing cards.

Utilizing the IT knowledge he has, reddy SARIPALLI' target='_blank' title='koti reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>koti reddy has raised the standard of india Herald. Increasing the competitiveness of the cards, the authors were also rewarded Rs. 1116 / to those who are selected as the best card among the cards placed in the portal every day. In addition, the authors have been given more free way in designing the website. No matter where you are, whatever the medium is i.e. desktop, laptop or even mobile, articles can be posted in the india Herald.

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