Patna student gets highest Package of Rs 1.6 crores..!

In a campus interview, Aditi Tiwari, a student from bihar NIT, opted for a job with a salary of Rs 1.6 crore a year. The coronavirus and the ensuing public outcry have had a profound effect on society. The public was hit hard by unemployment and wage cuts. Schools and colleges were closed indefinitely. Teaching was done online. The students involved were called Corona Patch students.In this context, Aditi Tiwari, a student from bihar NIT, has been selected for a job in the 2022 campus interview with a salary of Rs 1.6 crore per annum. Aditi Tiwari is studying final year of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, patna, Bihar. His father works in a Tata Steel factory. The mother is a teacher in a government school.In the history of patna NIT, this is the highest salary a person who has studied there can get through a campus interview. In the campus interview held last year, the maximum salary was between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 60 lakh. But by 2022, Aditi is set to receive a salary of Rs 1.6 crore. Everyone who took part in this year’s campus interview at bihar NIT has got a job after a two-year corona period. The employment rate is 110 percent. NIT college is pleased to announce that the situation is slowly returning to normal.However, the management of NIT patna college did not disclose the details of Aditi Tiwari's choice. It has been reported that he has been selected for a key position at Facebook.

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