This man from Bangalore built a unique earthen house in 125 days at a cost of just Rs 18,500. In the 21st century, where the trend of living in concrete houses is increasing rapidly. At the same time, a person from Bangalore has drawn attention of everyone by building a unique house of mud in 125 days at a cost of just Rs 18,500. Krishnan, a Bengaluru native, wants to spend the rest of his life in peace on the outskirts of the city, having worked with bigwigs like Le Meridien and Taj Gateway.
Krishnan always had a dream that he lived in a mud house. Under this, he chose a place away from the city for himself and built his dream house within 125 days. Incredible!!
According to media reports, after leaving his job, Krishnan prepared himself for natural farming. Also learned to build houses using soil, dung, stone, husk, palm leaves, and other natural objects through YouTube videos etc. In the end, he was successful in building his own house. Now his 300 square feet house located in Chamarajanagar, Bangalore is now the center of attraction of the people.