Pornhub which is a popular porn search engine collaborated with BuzzFeed and came up with a survey study examining a data on users’ widespread porn viewing habits. The main intention of the survey is to examine what women are looking for in Porn. The data is observed using analytics tools to dig in to the data and they have come up with strange and unimaginable observations!
It is found that most women are not interested in seeking the choreographed, and regular stuffs which men are interested. Interestingly, they are interested in watching videos under the categories of lesbian, gay (male) and teen. On the other side, men are interested to watch more porn of the categories like teen, MILF and mature.

Gay (male) :

Pornhub concluded that the sexual interests of women totally differed when compared to men. They added that the findings or the porn watching habits of women are neither predictable nor universal. It is hard to understand a woman for a porn website too!