One of the most successful women entrepreneurs in kerala, sheela started her company V- star initially as a boutique with only 10 employees. The boutique venture proved unprofitable and had to be closed. However, Sheela, still undeterred started supplying dresses directly to the shopkeepers.

Image result for Successful woman <a class='inner-topic-link' href='/search/topic?searchType=search&searchTerm=SHEELA' target='_blank' title='click here to read more about SHEELA'>sheela </a>Kochouseph Chittilapally, Managing Director, V-Star

After the rigorous effort of 4-6 years, her business grew and she planned to diversify it. Though conservative society looked upon her new venture of lingerie making as a dirty business, she learnt the art of perfect bra making to expand her business.

Now, V-star is one of the leading lingerie brands in kerala and southern states, with 20% of its market in Middle East Countries. Her company has 180 employees and nearly 2000 people, mostly poor women from remote areas of kerala, who work indirectly as tailors.

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