Actress Karishma Tanna has shared her new interest amid lockdown break due to the coronavirus outbreak. Karishma, who is known for her roles in TV shows like Naagin, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Naagarjuna Ek Yodha and Qayamat Ki Raat, took to her instagram stories, where she shared a photograph of a guitar and described it as her "new interest". Recently, she shared a photograph of herself acing the complicated inversion pose of yoga.

She is currently part of the action reality show Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 (KKK 10), which has been shot in bulgaria with actors Ada Khan, Amruta khanvilkar, Karan patel, Shivin Narang, Tejashwi Prakash, amruta khanvilkar and rani Chatterjee, along with comedian Balraj Syal, RJ Malishka and choreographer Dharmesh Yelande. Moreover she shared a photograph of herself acing the complicated inversion pose of yoga.

Perhaps she is part of the action reality show Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 (KKK 10), which has been shot in Bulgaria with actors Ada Khan, amruta khanvilkar, karan patel, Shivin Narang, Tejashwi Prakash, amruta khanvilkar and rani Chatterjee, along with comedian Balraj Syal, RJ Malishka and choreographer Dharmesh Yelande.

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