Reportedly the title and motion poster of aishwarya Rajesh's 25th film, Boomika, was unveiled by actor sivakarthikeyan on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Earlier this year, there were reports that acclaimed filmmaker karthik Subbaraj is producing a film featuring aishwarya rajesh in the lead. The film, which is touted to be horror thriller, is directed by Rathindran R Prasad.
On august 22, actor Sivakarthikeyan, who earlier produced aishwarya Rajesh's Kanaa, released the title and the motion poster of the film.
Sivakarthikeyan wrote, "Happy to release the Title motion poster of @aishu_dil‘s 25th film Titled #Boomika A @karthiksubbaraj presentation and directed by @RathindranR (sic)." Within few minutes, aishwarya rajesh thanked sivakarthikeyan for releasing the motion poster.
The film, which is set in the backdrop of Nilgiri hills, will have cinematography by Roberto Zazzara and music by prithvi Chandrasekar. Earlier this year, there were reports that acclaimed filmmaker karthik Subbaraj is producing a film featuring aishwarya rajesh in the lead. The film also features actor Ashwin Kaakamanu as one of the leads. It is worth mentioning that aishwarya Rajesh's another film with director Rathindran R Prasad, Idhu Vedhalam Sollum Kadhai, is yet to hit the screens.